Recurrir al canibalismo para no morir LA SOCIEDAD DE LA NIEVE 2023

  Hace pocos dias terminé de ver esta pelicula, la cual está basada en un libro publicado y a su vez narra la horrible experiencia que sufrió un equipo de rugbiers uruguayos. Se suponía que estos chicos iban a viajar desde su pais hasta chile para jugar un partido. Pero cuando iban sobre la cordillera de los Andres tuvieron el accidente. El avion chocó con la montaña, desapareciendo asi sus alas y cola.  Se trata del avion 571 de la Fuerza Aerea Uruguaya.  A pesar de que el accidente fue muy grabe y muchos fallecieron con el impacto, tambien sobrevivieron muchos de los tripulantes. Pasan los duros días y cuando la comida empieza a escasear no les va a quedar otra que empezar a alimentarse de los que antes fueron sus amigos.  Todo suena muy morboso y fuerte. Tampoco es que los sobrevivientes hicieran esto estando felices, es que no tenian otra opcion. Para colmo se encuentran en un lugar donde no hay animales de ningun tipo. Solo hay nieve y más nieve. Todo esto ocurrió en los setenta,



Review: In the Vault by Howard Phillips Lovecraft

 "In the Vault" contains a tragic episode in the life of the uncouth Geoge Birch, the owner of a cemetery who didn't take the slightest care of the deceased. But not because he was a bad person, of course not, simply because he was one of those rough, coarse people who do everything quickly and use force. Not at all fine. 

And all from a sinister night in which he remained 9 hours trapped in the crypt. 

Due to a series of events, Birch finds himself moving bodies in the crypt to give Matthew Fenner his final burial. A blast then closed the door, locking it and leaving him inside in absolute darkness. 

The door and several other things were in bad shape, the door itself for example he had never greased in his life and that made it even harder and to make matters worse, it had only been opened from the outside. 

Birch apart from being a brutish person was too calm, that is, he did not panic easily, in other words, he was very cold. 

He remembered that above the door there was a skylight, a small window, that although it didn't fit through there, he could enlarge that hole with a toolbox that he also remembered he had seen one day in a corner of that crypt. 


Another problem was coming up, the skylight was too high, he had to climb on top of something to get there, and there was nothing else in that place but the coffins, which by the way were the simplest and weakest that could exist. 

And so Birch begins to make a ladder out of them, not to mention that inside them, respectively, was a body. 

You could say that so far nothing weird has happened, right? Well... the worst is yet to come, and that is that in the last coffin, where Birch is resting his feet, is not just any coffin, and more will never forget it. 

I keep reading Lovecraft and I like more and more this classic horror author. 

The ending of this little story (because it is very short) will blow your mind, I can't tell it because otherwise I would be spoiling and I don't want to do that. However, I can't stop being amazed by it. 


Boceto de Cthulhu por Lovecraft

Boceto de Cthulhu por Lovecraft