Recurrir al canibalismo para no morir LA SOCIEDAD DE LA NIEVE 2023

  Hace pocos dias terminé de ver esta pelicula, la cual está basada en un libro publicado y a su vez narra la horrible experiencia que sufrió un equipo de rugbiers uruguayos. Se suponía que estos chicos iban a viajar desde su pais hasta chile para jugar un partido. Pero cuando iban sobre la cordillera de los Andres tuvieron el accidente. El avion chocó con la montaña, desapareciendo asi sus alas y cola.  Se trata del avion 571 de la Fuerza Aerea Uruguaya.  A pesar de que el accidente fue muy grabe y muchos fallecieron con el impacto, tambien sobrevivieron muchos de los tripulantes. Pasan los duros días y cuando la comida empieza a escasear no les va a quedar otra que empezar a alimentarse de los que antes fueron sus amigos.  Todo suena muy morboso y fuerte. Tampoco es que los sobrevivientes hicieran esto estando felices, es que no tenian otra opcion. Para colmo se encuentran en un lugar donde no hay animales de ningun tipo. Solo hay nieve y más nieve. Todo esto ocurrió en los setenta,



Review: The bottle imp by Robert Louis Stevenson

Previously by Stevenson I had read "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" Reading which by the way, I quite liked.

In this case I want to tell you about "The bottle imp".

The story is about Keawe, who meets a man who is very sad. Apparently this second guy has everything he has ever wanted, but he still looks very sad.

Our protagonist learns that the sad man has a bottle that contains the devil himself inside it, and that if you make wishes, he fulfills them, and even got the beautiful house where he lives thanks to it.

But having this bottle also has consequences. To get rid of it you must follow certain rules.

You can only get rid of the bottle by selling it, and always at a lower price than you paid for it.

So there will come a time when the price can no longer be lowered and someone will keep it for life.

And that person will suffer the worst tortures imaginable.

The story is told as if it were a children's story, it's very basic storytelling, but I also have to admit that you do feel that diabolical atmosphere throughout the reading.

I felt that the protagonist should disappear from that bottle, because something ugly was just around the corner. The author plays with the fear of the unknown, of not knowing what the devil has in store for you for using his services.

Not that it was the best story I've read, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

This Scottish writer has already earned a place in my library, I will definitely keep reading more about him.

💀Review: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde


Boceto de Cthulhu por Lovecraft

Boceto de Cthulhu por Lovecraft